Discover the sacred energy of flowers and reconnect to your deep intuition
Flower Essences
Magical solar and lunar Alchemy Farm flower essences
Sunday Oracle Readings
Every Sunday receive a free oracle reading in your email
What's Your Flower Archetype?
Take our fun quiz to find out
Alchemy Work
Your path to living an enchanted life
Be the first to get updates on Alchemy Work the book as well as news and special offers from Alchemy Farm.
Crystals & Flowers Mandala
Learn how to make your own flower and crystal mandala
What Are Your Intuitive Gifts?
Have you ever wondered what your intuitive gifts are?
Best Bee-Loved Flowers
Discover which 12 flowers to grow for bees and pollinators.
Thank You, Your Support Helps Fund
Kiva Loans to Women
Your support of Alchemy Farm helps us fund KIVA loans to women in developing countries + helps grow flowers for bees and pollinators!